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About Us


Colombian coffee exporters

Green and roasted

The bridge between coffee growers with roasters and importers worldwide

Fully Traceability. Farm to cup.

Brings to you the top-of-the-line speciality coffee beans.


Our Story


One day I realized "Life is too short to drink a bad coffee". Then, I started an amazing travel around my entire country to find the top of the line speciality Colombian coffees


I found it. I was being delighted with the new flavors my taste buds try it. I said "I wanna drink this extraordinary coffees every single day". Then I bringing to life to Coffeecol, where you will find the happiness in one single cup. 


Your customers will be grateful with you, because you will give them the most unique and powerful drink they ever tasted. 


Why you buy from us?:


Hight Quality



And the Power of the natural Colombian environment inside each coffee bean. 



This is our story.

We are Coffeecol, the best ally for roasters worldwide.


Thanks for choosing us. 


Carolina Padilla

 CEO & Founder 

Meet The Team

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